
WiCAN-OBD and WiCAN-USB can connect with RealDash using either WiFi or BLE. BLE is supported only on Android and iOS. Windows 10 supports only WiFi connections. Additionally, WiCAN-USB can connect using the USB interface.

The protocol and CAN bitrate must be set using the configuration page

USB Device Configuration (WiCAN-USB only):

  1. Go to garage then click on the dashboard.
  2. Click Add connection.
  3. Select Adapter (CAN/LIN)
  4. Select RealDash CAN
  5. Select SERIAL/USB
  6. Select device
  7. Set Baud RATE: 4000000 (This is the usb/serial buadrate not the CAN bitrate)
  8. Click next then Done

WiFi Device Configuration:

  1. Go to configuration webpage.
  2. Select the baudrate
  3. Set "Port Type" = TCP
  4. Set "Protocol" = reladash 66
  5. Click submit changes.

RealDash Configuration:

  1. Go to garage then click on the dashboard.
  2. Click Add connection.
  3. Select Adapter (CAN/LIN)
  4. Select RealDash CAN
  5. Select WIFI/LAN
  6. Enter IP and Port
  7. Click Done

BLE Device Configuration:

If you're using firmware verion v1.64 or below please update to the latest version before enabling BLE

  1. Go to configuration webpage.
  2. Select the baudrate
  3. Set the "BLE Status" to enable

Note: When the BLE is connected, the device will automatically turn off the WiFi configuration access point. Once BLE is disconnected the configuration access point will turn back on.


  1. Go to garage then click on the dashboard.
  2. Click Add connection.
  3. Select Adapter OBD2
  4. Select Bluetooth or WiFi
  5. If WiFi fill in the IP and port 3333.
  6. Click on OBD2 PROTOCOL and select your car protocol, (11 bit ID, 500Kbit) or (11 bit ID, 250Kbit)
  7. Activate Request Only First Reply
  8. Click Done.